"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God?" -- Thomas Jefferson
"And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forbears fought is still at issue around the globe, the belief that the rights of man come not from generosity of the state but from the hand of God." -- John F. Kennedy
"Because of their belief that power had come from God to each individual, the Framers began the Constitution with the words 'we the people'" -- Newt Gingrich
"There's never been a nation like the United States, ever. It begins with the principles of our founding documents, principles that recognize that our rights come from God, not from our government." -- Marco Rubio
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sacred Ground - Ground Zero - Islamic cultural center and mosque
"Allowing an Islamic cultural center at Ground Zero," Click here for original article.
"After muslims took flying lessons from us, grabbed control of our own commercial airliners, rammed them into our Twin Towers, sent 3,000 unsuspecting victims to their deaths because of belief in Islam, muslims then tell us to be tolerant and ask our permission to build a tribute to Islam in the area where those towers once stood.
The mosque (Cordoba House project) will be the conversion from a 152-year-old, five-story Italianate Renaissance-style warehouse at 45-47 Park Place, just two blocks from Ground Zero. Even though landing gear from one of the 9/11 planes caved in the building’s roof and heavily damaged the interior, the exterior is mostly intact."
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