"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God?" -- Thomas Jefferson

"And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forbears fought is still at issue around the globe, the belief that the rights of man come not from generosity of the state but from the hand of God." -- John F. Kennedy

"Because of their belief that power had come from God to each individual, the Framers began the Constitution with the words 'we the people'" -- Newt Gingrich

"There's never been a nation like the United States, ever. It begins with the principles of our founding documents, principles that recognize that our rights come from God, not from our government." -- Marco Rubio

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Prominent Black Lansing Michigan Pastor Renounces Past Support of Gay Marriage

Media Contact:
Stacy Swimp
Prominent Black Lansing Michigan Pastor Renounces Past
Support of Gay Marriage

Detroit, Michigan, August 14, 2014 |Christian News Service| --
One of Lansing, Michigan's most prominent Black pastors, Bishop David Maxell, had been quoted in the press in May of 2012, as saying that he agreed with homosexuals and lesbians who say that so called gay marriage is a "civil right."

Maxwell, Pastor of Eliezer Temple Church in Lansing, Michigan, has also served as head of Mayor Virg Bernero's Office of Faith-based Initiatives, was quoted as saying:

"Many of my comrades in the faith community have a struggle and cannot separate the theology with the civics of the president executing fairness and equity for all persons, It's a civil right. The sad thing about it is: You would have thought that the African-American pastoral or theological community would have sensitivity when they themselves have struggled civil rights-wise."

Maxwell, after having attacked Black pastors against gay marriage, praised President Barack Obama's support of gay marriage.

Maxwell also praised President Obama for promoting an agenda to redefine marriage as other than between one man and one woman, "I think the president is to be commended. He did not allow his own Christian philosophy or theology to dominate his presidential responsibility."

However, in a recent letter, Bishop Maxwell has clearly changed his mind regarding his support of marriage redefinition and his criticism of predominantly Black churches as being "homophobic."

"After reading statements attributed to me in a recent article, of which did not completely state my position on same sex marriage, and may lead some to view my statements as an endorsement of sort of same sex marriage. I am compelled to set the record straight," said Maxwell.

Bishop Maxwell, who had strongly supported gay marriage as a civil right in 2014, now says that "the ban on gay marriage is based upon its immorality."

Maxwell is also now calling for all Christians to take a stand against the LGBT agenda to redefine marriage stating, "It is incumbent that like-mined people of faith take a public stand against the practice of same sex marriage and exercise our constitutional right to advance legislation that will cover all loopholes, and legally shut the door on same sex marriage in our state and nation."

In 1975 Esther Phillips sang a song "What a Difference a Day Makes," the lyrics state, "What a difference a day made, twenty four little hours. Brought the sun and the flowers where there used to be rain. My yesterday was blue dear. Today, I'm a part of you dear."

There is indeed a story in every song we sing.

Bishop Maxwell, who used to be a part of the LGBT advocacy demographic, has apparently found this position to be blue and is now happy to be a part of the Christian evangelical demographic, who choose to believe the Bible - that marriage is between one man and one woman.
(Side note:  Bible or not, it makes natural, biological sense to the animals as well.)

Minister Stacy Swimp of Greater Bibleway Temple, Jackson, Michigan, and Founder of the Michigan Based Revive Alive Missional Ministry, is Spokesperson for a national coalition of Black Pastors and Christian ministers who have taken a stand for traditional marriage and have filed an amiscus brief in support of traditional marriage- represented by the Thomas More Law Center.

"Bishop Maxwell had made himself an apostate," said Swimp. "An enemy of the cross. However, it appears that the Word of God has finally settled into his heart and he has repented from his former stance against God's family. Hopefully, he will not again be swayed again, by selfish ambition and political favors, to turn his back against God."

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